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Centralized Copier Program

Purpose of Centralized Copier Program

The purpose of the Centralized Copier Program is to insure an efficient and effective campus-wide copier system.

Administrative Department

This program is administered by Facilities Services and Planning

Charges *

This program offers hassle-free copying at a low cost.
Black and white copies per month:

Prices effective January 2007
*Includes lease, maintenance, toner, developer, and preventative maintenance kits.
For more information please contact Rachel Wallace at (626) 395-6706 or email:


Management of equipment will be assumed by the copier program as leases expire or when new equipment is required.

Department will notify the copier program regarding their copier needs.

Department will be charged only for copies made. The cost per copy includes lease, maintenance, toner, developer, and preventative maintenance kits.

The cost per copy will be based on the number of copies made per month. Charges are billed quarterly.

When maintenance is required, departments will notify who will make all necessary arrangements with vendors.

Copier paper requests will now be managed under the Centralized Copier Program. Please email to place your order

Copier Program logo made up of curved blue lines

User Advantages

  • Fax Option
  • Scanning option
  • Network printing option
  • No messy toner spills, weíll change the toner for you
  • Financial Savings
  • Time saved acquiring a copier
  • Paperwork minimized
  • Guaranteed response time for maintenance
  • Maximum uptime insured due to monitoring of maintenance calls
  • Time saved dealing with maintenance requests
  • Departmental control of copy costs
  • Excellent copy quality
  • Centralized handling of chargebacks