Campus Policy Regarding Wildlife Preservation

One of the important values of trees in urban areas is providing habitat for wildlife. Because of habitat loss due to development, urban landscapes are more vital than ever to wildlife. Wildlife (including birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians) rely on trees and landscapes for food and shelter as they feed, roost, and reproduce. In turn, wildlife control insects, provide food for other wildlife, pollinate plants, distribute seeds, and are good indicators of environmental health. When trees are managed to support wildlife, landscapes can be more diverse and ecologically rich. Knowledge of breeding, nesting, and foraging habits of wildlife can empower tree care workers to positively manage habitat and encourage the enjoyment of wildlife.
It is the policy of Caltech Facilities to abide by the Western Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture (WCISA)'s Best Management Practices & the Golden State Audubon Society's guidelines on harm prevention for birds and other wildlife. The Caltech Grounds Department continues to partner with the Pasadena Wildlife Rehabilitation Center to rescue or rehab any injured animals found on campus. If you find any injured or distressed animal on campus, please contact the Grounds Department or Campus Security.